Guy Slater - Screenplay The Black and Blue Lamp (1988) UK

1949 年,汤姆·瑞利因杀害警察乔治·迪克逊而被捕。在等待审讯时,他神秘地被转移到了一部名为《黑灯》的电视剧中,这是一部 1988 年的警察系列剧,剧中强硬的人物统治着。

In 1949, Tom Riley is arrested for the murder of PC George Dixon. As he awaits interrogation at the station, he is mysteriously transported into an episode of “The Filth”, a 1988 police series where the hard men rule. It might have a bit of a problem in trying to describe what THE BLACK AND BLUE LAMP is all about . It’s a sequel to THE BLUE LAMP ( The movie that introduced Britain to PC George Dixon ) along with being both social satire and social commentary . After being arrested for the murder of Dixon Tom Riley finds himself transported through a time warp into the late 1980s where he is told by the local CID that he’ll be confessing to the murder or else his genitals are getting cut off ! Riley is shocked to hear policemen use this type of language , it’s just not on guv , the coppers always play by the rules and they just don’t use this type of language . Riley isn’t the only person shocked because arresting officer PC Hughes another character transported from the 1950s has joined Riley in the present day As the story continues it turns out that Tom Riley has a present day doppleganger who is a homosexual and that PC George Dixon was the head of a paedophile ring who organised " babysitting parties " ! We also see policemen beating up suspects so badly they die and a shoot out inside the police station , but the most memorable scene is the ending where the Tom Riley of the present day is transported back to the 1950s where on being informed that the CID want to grill him screams " WOT YA FINK I AM ? A F–KIN’ SAUSAGE In 1949, Tom Riley is arrested for the murder of PC George Dixon. As he awaits interrogation at the station, he is mysteriously transported into an episode of “The Filth”, a 1988 police series where the hard men rule. My review hasn’t done this teleplay justice . It’s very bizarre , bitterly cynical and very amusing as we’re reminded as to how policemen are portrayed in film and television since the days of bobbies on the beat.

Language(s) English(G5V.NET


種子 / 种子 / Torrent


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