逐月之月 第三季 2 Moons 3 - The Ambassador Ep 05 Thai No Subs 1080 HEVC 265

就在昨天《逐月之月》第二季的演员们也在曼谷举行了见面会,之前一直传闻的第三季也在见面会结尾的时候正式宣布《逐月之月》会出第三季的消息,之后大家只需要一起等待第三季的到来了! 如果是第一季的原班该有多好。我只能做梦了就因为不是原班人马我都没看2哈哈哈看第二季开局重演一遍我真的被雷焦,还没对演员谈得上有什么印象就先想弃了,第二季我没有逃过真香定律,个人觉得不尬而且越看越好看,演技不说最主要的是cp感强有化学反应,第一季是颜值好看但是作为一个资深很多部分都让我有尬尬的感觉,而且第二的演员真的都越看越好看各有特色。第一季你们再怎么说第三季也只会是第二季的人来演啦 第一季的姐姐们就不要在跳脚啦何必呢,还期待换回去的人不知道怎么想的哦[太开心]已经说过了第三季继续第二季的人选啦,别想啦[太开心]第二季都没看你期待第三季有什么用呢?

2 Moons 3 - The Ambassador Ep 05 Thai No Subs 1080 HEVC 265

This sequel continues from where 2 Moons 2 left off. The sequel will show the progression of all three returning couples. Pha has to persevere in times of helplessness as Wayo’s incriminating pictures and videos have been released by Park and Pring. The story will show the progression of their relationship after that scenario. Ming and Kit will have to learn to develop and mature in their relationship, while Forth and Beam will also settle down and progress in theirs.

Two couples from the novel “The Ambassador” are also being included in this sequel. Their storylines are more along with the “rival to lovers” sort of scenario. One of the pair includes Suthee, the medicine moon.(G5V.NET)


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