和我 And Me &Me English, Greek, Dutch subtitles

每个月,布鲁塞尔都会举行一次奇怪的仪式。欧洲议会乘坐 15 辆巨型卡车前往其斯特拉斯堡席位。一周后,一切又被移回。浪漫喜剧&ME的故事发生在这种不顾一切地试图维持欧洲理想主义的背景下。

&ME 讲述了24岁的法学院学生Edurne从锡切斯搬到布鲁塞尔的故事。在欧洲议会的第一天,她与40岁的德国人爱德华·席勒发生了激烈的冲突。爱情不幸,同性恋爱德华从柏林来到布鲁塞尔开始新的生活。为了寻找幸福,他决定另辟蹊径,寻找一个女人。 Edurne 和 Eduard 将碰撞视为特殊关系的标志。 L’amour c’est bizarre。当他们遇到英俊的 30 岁 EC 拆除人员理查德时,一切都发生了变化。爱德华和埃杜恩之间展开了一场争夺理查德爱情的战争。与真相的对抗为同一个问题提供了三个截然不同的答案:如何……

The &ME screenplay is based on the novel Fremdkörper by author Oscar van den Boogaard. It was shot across four countries in eight weeks, is told in four languages and employed an international cast and crew, claiming eight different nationalities. It takes place in the setting of the European Parliament, moving every month from Brussels to Strasbourg in a convoy of enormous trucks. Eduard, a gay and disillusioned bureaucrat, leaves Berlin for Brussels to take up a post within the EU. There he meets the beautiful young Spanish trainee Edurne, who has finally escaped the clutches of her over-protective mother. Edurne falls madly for Eduard and he is happy to go along with the situation, surprised at the level of affection he feels for this young woman. The attractive Richard enters and is soon the focus of both Eduard and Edurne’s attention. Will Richard turn out to be the glue that holds them together or the wedge that drives them apart?(G5V.NET)


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