名校风暴 第六季 Elite S06 720p x264 MultiSub

拉斯恩西纳斯即将迎来新的学期,各种商务活动接踵而至。继菲利普准备的大型新年派对和胡兹曼的离家出走之后,关于阿曼多死亡的秘密可能会毁掉萨缪尔和阿丽之间的爱情故事。同时,瑞贝卡正在经历一个自我发现的过程,而奥马尔正在从与安德分手的悲痛中逐渐恢复;此外,凭借电影《基础所需》获得戈雅最佳新人奖的亚当·努鲁将饰演比拉尔,他与萨缪尔的关系也将变得更加复杂。菲利普对虐待的供认、帕特里克的愤怒问题、本杰明的复仇欲望、阿曼多送给门西亚的一份可以摧毁“本杰明”的礼物、萨缪尔和瑞贝卡之间并未持续多久的沉默协议 — 这一切带来了最糟糕的后果······


Fresh off the heel of a death of another student, Las Encinas tries to turn a new page as a new school year rolls around. However, this season takes a political tone as systematic issues: racism, sexism, domestic violence, or LGTBI-phobia will be discussed in the halls of the prominent institution this season. New faces join in to help stand up against the corrupted system. If those in charge of the system do not actively address these concerns, it will be up to the students to do so.

Language: Spanish(G5V.NET)


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