超红同人作家猫屋敷想被认同而闹别扭 Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires To Be Recognized Episode 08 Eng Subs

猫屋敷守(松冈广大饰)是一位离群索居的艺术家,专门从事同人作品的创作,也就是粉丝自行创作、或自行出版的作品。他创作了一系列 BL 主题的漫画,梦想自己的作品有朝一日可以在书店畅销同人作品的专门展柜上销售。仅有极少数几位同人艺术家能够获得这样的殊荣,而且自己的作品若能获得这样的待遇,对他来说就是最大的肯定。



For Mamoru Nekoyashiki, a doujinshi artist, the only thing that satisfies his need for approval is to sell his original BL manga at the popular Kabesa section (a section for popular doujinshi circles on the wall side of the venue) and be recognized by readers at the event. But then one day, something happens to him!

He meets Kazama Issei, a childhood friend he once had a crush on who is now a popular up-and-coming idol. Their lives in distant worlds should never have crossed paths, but you can’t take your eyes off this story of two young men growing up in each other’s presence!(G5V.NET)


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