天鹅绒金矿 Velvet Goldmine (1998) 1080p Carlotta Blu-ray Remux

摇滚史上最华丽的70年代,性感、妖艳、前卫、激进等各种大胆元素被融合成独特的摇滚流派。这场摇滚革命的代言人布莱德·斯莱德(乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)彼时倾倒众生。然而,1984年,他在一次演出中遭遇“暗杀”,巨星自此陨落。伦敦先 驱报 记者阿瑟(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)对自己的偶像展开调查。在回溯逝去岁月之中,却挖掘出布莱德与美国摇滚歌手库尔特·怀尔德(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)的一段冰火之恋。布莱德受库尔特音乐的感染,创造出自己的华丽风格,迅速走红。两人相互激发灵感、彼此迷恋,最终却因为性格冲突而决裂。风头正劲的布莱德在失去库尔特之后也开始自暴自弃,导演出一场“暗杀”剧……。阿瑟在酒吧邂逅消沉的库尔特,他仿佛被布莱德灵魂附体,他们共同沉浸在对布莱德的怀念中难以自拔,同时一种奇妙的情感在他们之间诞生。


The rise of a star… The fall of a legend!

1971: Glamrock explodes all over the world and challenges the seriousness within the flower power generation by means of glitter and brutal music. Brian Slade (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), a young rock star, inspires numerous teenage boys and girls to paint their nails and explore their own sexuality. The enigmatic Slade was heavily influenced in his early years by hard-living and rebellious American singer Curt Wild (Ewan McGregor). In the end Slade destroys himself. Unable to escape the role he created for himself, he plots his own murder. When his fans discover that the murder is not real, his star falls and he is forgotten about.

1984: Arthur Stuart (Christian Bale), a journalist working for a New York newspaper, gets assigned the story about the fake murder of Brian Slade. When Arthur was young and growing up in Manchester, he was more than a fan of Slade. Reluctantly he accepts the assignment and starts to investigate what happened to his old glamrock hero.

Velvet Goldmine brilliantly re-imagines the glam rock 70s as a brave new world of electrifying theatricality and sexual possibility, to the point where identifying precise figures in this neo-psychedelic landscape is almost beside the point. It tells a story the way operas do: blazing with exquisite yet abstract passions, and with quite a lot to look at on the side. Director Todd Haynes creates his film with a masturbatory fervour that demands dead-on details and fashions a structure out of Citizen Kane; it’s a film that works best as a feast of sight and sound. Re-creating an era as a gorgeous carnal dream. Celebrating the art of the possible.

Language: English

Subtitles: French (optional)(G5V.NET)


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