爱在记忆被冻结时 Jack o' Frost 01


Jack o’ Frost - Episode 01

Video File: MP4 | 1920x1080 | 1 of 6 Episodes | Japanese with English Subtitles

Episode 1:Ritsu and Fumiya get into an argument on Ritsu’s birthday, which causes a massive change in their relationship.

Official Synopsis:Illustrator Ritsu and salesman Fumiya’s love story begins at a quaint coffee shop. Despite their happy union, a misunderstanding causes a rift between the two. After a heated argument, Ritsu has an accident and loses all memory of Fumiya. To restart their relationship, Fumiya conceals their past and begins anew with Ritsu, who longs to regain his memories. Together, they embark on a journey to revisit their history, revisiting the places that hold bitter and sweet memories. As they retrace their steps, Fumiya grapples with their past while Ritsu begins to rediscover his feelings for Fumiya.(G5V.NET


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