Shirtless Bear-Fighter V2 1-7


On the slopes of a frozen mountain in Japan, Shirtless Bear-Fighter climbs, barefoot, and… y’know… shirtless. Through the freezing storms, he climbs, making his way to the top of the mountain to call out Ursa Major, the god of all bears. He finds himself in a cave, where paintings on the walls show Ursa descending from the heavens, falling in love with a human woman, and fathering a child. As he realizes that he has finally found his father, the bitter god addresses him, explaining that he was destined to be the enforcer of Ursa Major’s will. Sadly, his humanity got the better of him, with his compassion for others making him unfit to be the sword of divine vengeance. Shirtless finds himself surrounded by strange ghostly bears, who slash at him with their phantom claws, after which he blacks out, waking up days later in Tokyo. Running afoul of the local Yakuma (HEH), Shirtless is drawn into a fight that only ends with Agent Silva arriving… and ARRESTING him. Contains V2 Issue 1 to 7(G5V.NET


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