最后生还者 第一季 The Last of Us S01E03 720p h264


In the present, Joel and Ellie heed Tess’s final instructions and hike to meet allies Bill and Frank.

On their journey, Joel teaches Ellie about the government’s execution of innocents during the early days of the outbreak. In a flashback to 2007,

Frank stumbles onto the compound of paranoid survivalist Bill, who takes him in and the two form a romantic relationship, sharing a love of music and food.

Several years later, Frank contacts Tess over the radio and the couples enter a tenuous friendship. In the present, Frank is crippled by a degenerative illness and asks Bill to marry him and then euthanize him with wine laced with a drug.

Bill acedes to this, but not wanting to live without Frank, drinks the same wine himself, in order to join Frank in death.

Joel and Ellie arrive some time later. They discover a letter Bill left for Joel, in which he tells him that protecting Frank is what gave his life meaning after the outbreak. Bill left Joel his truck and supply of weapons. Joel takes the truck and sets out with Ellie to find Tommy.

Almost forgot that this has several subtitles included, like EN,FR,ES….(G5V.NET


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