费伦塔里街区故事 Soldatii Poveste Din Ferentari 2018 1080p H.264

Adi 是一位年轻的人类学家,他的女朋友最近离开了他,他搬到 Ferentari(布加勒斯特最贫穷的社区)写一篇关于manele音乐(罗马社区的流行音乐)的研究。 在研究他的主题时,他遇到了承诺帮助他的罗马前罪犯阿尔贝托。很快,两人开始了一段恋情,其中阿迪向阿尔贝托提出了摆脱贫困的不可能计划,而阿尔贝托则以精心编造的爱情短语作为回报。当钱用完时,两人都发现自己被困在他们相爱并互相利用的公寓里,在一场没有赢家的需要和权力的游戏中。(机译)

Adi (40), a shy and introverted anthropologist, who got recently dumped by his girlfriend, moves to Ferentari, the poorest and most notorious neighborhood of Bucharest. He wants to write a study on manele music, the ‘pop music’ of the Roma community. Manele music serves as a way out of poverty for some successful musicians, but more often it’s just another opportunity for the mafia pimps to make money off their acts and keep them in slave-like dependency. While researching this subject, Adi meets Alberto, a Roma ex-convict and a bear of a man, who promises Adi to help him. Soon enough, the unlikely pair begins a playful romance in which Adi feeds Alberto with improbable plans of escaping poverty, while Alberto feeds Adi with phrases of love. Little by little, their casual affair grows into love. And the funny and sweet teasing turns into something precarious, since Alberto is both dangerous and fragile and belongs to a world whose codes Adi doesn’t understand.


Subtitle: English【G5V.NET】


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