Iceman Megapack (1963-July 2022)

Iceman Megapack (1963 - July 2022)

Over the years I’ve uploaded something like 10 Iceman torrents onto the site - some of them quite old to the point I’m frequently getting “re-seed” requests - which now I’m unable to do. So here it is, “Iceman the Megapack” - containing everything included in all previous torrents plus a few quality “important character development” series as well.

Iceman first hit the comic stands in 1963 as one of the original X-Men. Given his important status within the Marvel Universe he has featured continually, appearing in every major X-Men team over the past 60 years. Although having only ever had very brief and awkward relationships with women which would then make one think “he’s been gay all along” that wasn’t Marvel’s intention - he was just meant to be an awkward, geeky - and rather camp - straight guy. I recently read an interview where Stan Lee said he was happy to have LGBTQ characters in his comics, his policy was that he didn’t want to change existing characters, they had to introduce new ones. So by comaparison: Northstar was created as a gay character from his very first issue, he just wasn’t allowed to come out; Iceman on the other hand originated as a straight character so Stan didn’t want him to “turn” gay.

ANYWAY, here’s what’s in this torrent:

  1. Uncanny X-Men v1 - just the very first issue with his very first appearance.
  2. Iceman v1 - (uploaded previously) first solo series with backstory and awkward attempts at hetereosexuality.
  3. X-Factor v1 - he appears in the first 70 issues. In my opion this is one of the better X-Men series from back in the day and I suspect perhaps it’s because it was written by a woman - there’s a little less testoserone and a little more depth to the characters. It’s also, which I didn’t realise til I was well into it, the series that introduced Rictor. Iceman crosses paths with Shatterstar as well during this series (in the last annual) but I think it was before the start of Rictor and Shatterstar’s “relationship”.
  4. Iceman v2 - (uploaded previoiusly) It’s pretty clear from this volume on that they’d decided he was struggling with his sexuality and would eventually come out.
  5. Ultimate X-Men v9 - his best series of the era
  6. Iceman and Angel - (uploaded previously) a one-shot, four years before Iceman came out but another glaring example of Iceman’s unrequited feelings. 7-20: All the “gay Iceman” series. All bar folder 10 (maybe) have previously been uploaded. Teen Iceman - complete teams (previously uploaded) Iceman in the First Class and Origin series - brilliant series that ran sometime between 2005 and 2015. Good stories, beautifully drawn. These all ran during the height of the X-Men film franchise so are often complementary and/or complimentary. Kind of annoying though because they don’t have dates of first publication, only the year of the TPB which means I can’t put them in chronological order. Also some are “complete series” volumes while others are “a selection from the best of previous series” volumes which unforutnately means there will be double-up (I mean, I do have two Macs and two screens so I could have compared them side-by-side page-by-page but… I still haven’t got around to watching the Teen Wolf movie yet so I’m going to do that instead.)(G5V.NET


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